Why Mindfulness?
Life is a Roller Coaster or Decidely Hum Drum
are you bored or are you going crazy?
Would you like to talk with someone?
Love Laugh & Learn is ready to help.
CALL: 908-672-9901
How long has it been this way?
Up and Down days are Normal.
A week of bad days is not a good thing.
The Element by Ken Robinson
The Five Archtypes by Cary Davison
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Please keep us in mind!
"Love Laugh & Learn Mindfulness" BLOG
- Thank you -
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” Aristotle
“Don’t be confused between what people say you are and who
you know you are.” Oprah
“Knowing yourself is life’s eternal homework.” Felicia Day
“To grow yourself, start by knowing yourself” Idlehearts.com
Why Journal?
Identify your problems. Journaling is cathartic.
Making lists is good place to start for beginners, for instance: Finding a Job or a Relationship....put headers at the top: Good - How - Why - Who - Where...(Whatever is applicable to your situaiton.)
Enhances the ability to focus on a topic longer
Raises your self-confidence
Strengthens your self-control
Makes you more mindful
Helps you focus on goals and achieve them